Online manual

8. Computer settings

For optimal service, we recommend the use of Firefox, DSL connection (with modem and standard phone line all functions remain unchanged), 1024 x 768 pixel resolution, operating system Windows 98 or new version / Mac 9.1 or newer. Qualify cookies (for the login memory) and javascript

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9.1 Photography size: personal card

It is possible to insert four photos in your personal card, downloading directly from your computer. For best results, please use JPG or Gift with 72 pixel resolution. The management programme immediately creates a preview in your card and shrinks the photos in detail, attributing 500 pixels to the longer side and proportioning them. It is therefore necessary to insert photos with at least 500 pixels in order to preserve the clarity of the image. It is possible to modify the images at any time. If the preview image does not appear immediately, the page must be updated


How to insert photos on your computer:
a) Scan the printed photo and save it on your PC. To attribute a 72 pixel resolution you can directly use the setting in position programme for scanning or any software to convert images.
b) You can search for an existing image online, using any search engine. Please verify that the image has one side with at least 500 pixels, and save it on your PC. (PC: save image on disk with right-click of your mouse; Mac: ctrl + mouseclick) it is not necessary to check the resolution or use a conversion programme.


9.2 Photography size: scenic staging

In the space for every staging it is possible to insert four photos, downloading directly from your computer and providing them with the stage direction. The managment programme for images from will automatically create the previews that appear in the cards and show all photos to scale in detail (see image).To avoid enlargement problems, see point 9.1. Higher resolution requires more time for conversion. It is possible to modify the images at any time. If the preview image does not appear immediately, you must update the page


How to save the desired photos to your personal computer:
a) Scan the printed photo and save it on your PC. To attribute a 72 pixel resolution, you can use the settings from the programme for scanning directly, or any software for image conversion.
b) You can search the Internet for an existing image using any search engine. Please verify that it has one side with at least 500 or more pixels and save on your PC. (PC: save image on disk with right-click of your mouse; Mac: ctrl + mouseclick) it is not necessary to check the resolution or to use a conversion programme.


10. Compilation order for the personal membership cards
Although no rule exists, it is advisable to first compile your personal membership card information, which activates the comunication functions. We remind singers to immediately enter their voice type, and we let you know as well that the inclusion of your measurements can save you from unnecessary meetings later on, and will be helpful to theatre personnel. Registration information can only be seen by yourself, your agent, and the theatre. All other users will see only the first part of the card.

The fill-in fields of the registration card: open >> What to fill in and why
That being stated, however, we remind the user that the compilation of all fields is not required

After you have compiled your registration card, which will be modified only if your information changes or if you wish to update your photo, it is advisable to update the agenda with future engagments, a chronological list of repertoire beginning with roles sung most recently, and finally, roles in which you will be making your debut. This can be done very quickly: the production insertion requires only 90 seconds.
Once you have completed the repertoire list, it will be enough to update your agenda before every engagment.

Every additional production listed increases your standing in this role in the virtual company, and pushes you a step higher in the general classification. This information is accessible by clicking on the numbers of repertoire column (information collected from singer's cards).
It is therefore very important to include all the operas/roles in your repertoire, and all the theatres at which they have been performed.

Moreover, when you list future engagements on your agenda, it will be greatly helpful for emergency substitutions to indicate exactly the period of your engagement (from the convocation to the last recital), indicating the performances in which you take part.


11. Confidential Information

The personal e-mail and mobile phone number will not be seen by other users (except for the authorized representing agency); it will not be possible to receive messages from or for other subscribers if the field ?confidential information? is not compiled correctly. This information can be modified at any time by the user.

<< click on the link

Important: please enter the personal international code number before your phone number, replacing the two zeros with a "+" (see the example for United States). Otherwise it will be impossible to receive incoming messages from other countries. Do not insert characters (commas, dashes, periods etc.) except the "+" and the necessary numbers.


12. SMS message sending from personal mobile phone

It is possible to send SMS messages directly from your mobile phone. To do this it is indispensable:

a. to have SMS message availability on (please check in accounting information);
b. use the telephone card with the number you have entered in the confidential information section of your personal registration card;
c. to not hide your outgoing number (this function can be activated on your phone);
d. to know the SMS code of assigned to the addressee (check the addressee's registration card);
e. that the addressee has entered a valid phone number in his confidential information;
f. to remember the SMS service number of +39.348.2491083.

When you follow the above specifications, it suffices to place the addressee's SMS code before the message, sign it, and send it to's SMS service number at: +39.348.2491083.
Example: the SMS code of the person to whom you wish to send a message (John) is OM123456# and yours (Mike) OM987654#.
Send to
memorize this number
on your mobile phone

Your code will appear first when the addressee receives your message, if he wishes, he can answer using the same system.


13. Shared access
Theatres: all subscribers connected to a theatre can change the information on the theatre card, enter productions and stagings, send their own name to other subscribers, send SMS messages (to be deducted from the theatre's total number of messages), and renew the subscription to for the theatre.

Agencies: all agents affiliated with an agency can connect the represented artists to the agency card and modify the repertoire or the artist's agenda. Modification of the represented artists' registration card is reserved for the chief agent who connects the artist to his card. This possibility is indicated by a padlock corresponding to the artist's name. Every user can send his own name to other subscribers, send SMS messages (to be deducted from the agency's total number of messages), and renew the subscription to for the agency. Every change made will be saved in's database with the creator's ID code. It is impossible to change information entered directly by the artist or by agencies representing him in other locations.

Artists: only the subscriber can make changes to his card, repertoire, and agenda; furthermore, he can modify or remove contents inserted by agencies or those connected with agencies.


14. Assistance
E-Mail: subscribers and non
Online: registration and subscribers

You can send an e-mail with any explanations or requests to receive an answer as soon as possible.



There is an online assistance service for registering users and those who need to comunicate with us urgentely. All this with Microsoft MSN Messenger for free.

Go to demo of MSN Messenger
Go to download MSN Messenger



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